What is SEO and how does it work?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is optimizing your web pages to appear in search engine result pages and to drive organic traffic to a website or web page from a search engine. The goal of SEO is to help get organic traffic in SERPs.
1) – An excellent SEO that involved many activities to help improve site ranking.
2) – Find valuable keywords with a high search volume.
3) – Create high-quality content to provide valuable content to the user which helps to optimize your website.
3) – Add valuable and trustable links to your website that help users for the right information.
4) – Audit your website SEO with the help of tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, ahrefs, Ubersuggest, SEMRush, Mozpro, Similarweb, etc.
How Does SEO Work?
If a user queries anything on the internet for the answer according to the user’s need, then Search Engine Algorithms find the exact result from the user’s need. Search Engine Algorithms Work within these three stages.
Crawling:– A crawler is a program used in search engines to collect old and updated types of data according to user needs from the internet.
Crawlers visit each website page and, by reading the HTML code, try to understand the page’s structure, type of content, and content meaning and collect all web pages to transfer for indexing.
Indexing:– Indexing is the process of collecting the data of web pages and storing it in the database, to respond to the search queries entered by the users in search engines.
Work Index picks the relevant data according to user queries, and whatever data is stored in the local server to categorized data and divided to show in the Search Engine.
Ranking:– Ranking refers to where a website or web page positions on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).
Types of SEO?
There are three types of SEO:
ON-Page SEO Checklist
On-page SEO is the process of optimizing the content of a website that we upload to the site for users.
Header tags:– Header Tags are also known as Heading Tags in SEO. Header tags are HTML tags that tell a browser what will be displayed on a webpage as text.
H1 is the main tag of the content, which we use at one time on content.
H2 & H3 are the sub-headings of content that should be commonly used.
H4, H5, and H6 are the subsections of the Structure of content.
Meta Descriptions:– A meta-description tag is a short form of content that generally informs and interests users, a relevant summary of what a particular page is about. For a pitch to convince the user that the page is exactly what they’re looking for.
Meta Tags:– Meta tags are also known as Title Tag. Meta titles are clickable headings in SERPs and the character length of a Meta Title is 50-60 Characters for good readability.
URL Structure:– The keywords you choose to include in the URL structure impact your SEO and ranking on SERPs. Ex- https://amalsrivastava.in/what-is-keyword-research/
Keyword Density:– Keyword density tells you how many times that keyword in a search in an internet term appears in a text about the total number of words it contains on the user query.
Image Alt text:– Alt text is the code of the image title which helps to optimize the image in SERPs.
Internal Linking:– An internal link is a link from another page on your website page to another webpage on your webpage.
Mobile Friendly:– A mobile-friendly site prioritizes mobile user experience which means your website is easily open on mobile devices.
OFF-Page SEO Checklist
Off-page SEO is the process of taking actions in the backend of your website to impact your rankings within Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Another name for Off-page is also known as Backlink/Link-building.
Social Bookmarking Sites:– Social Bookmarking is the process of pin web page URLs in social bookmarking sites that help users easily visit and interact with you.
Forum Submission:– Forum Submission is a way to help with online discussions and debates. It helps users easily interact with you.
Article Submission:– Article Submission is an off-page SEO activity. It refers to attracting traffic by submitting Article Submission optimized articles to popular article submission directories. It is a long-term SEO activity that helps increase backlinks and boost the page rank of your website or blog.
Q&A Submission:– Q&A is the strategy that includes answering the questions that are posted by people on various sites and online platforms like Quora and Reddit.
Video Submission:– Video Submission refers to submitting videos for personal or company intro, or publishing any type of content service in the form of videos which is a good type of backlinks in SEO like YouTube and Vimeo.
Image Submission:– Image Submission is the process of tagging on different image sites to connect with people through other resources.
PPT & PDF Submission:– PPT and PDF submission is one of the best Off SEO techniques that help in SEO. That helps by giving information in the form of PDF & PPT to users.
Inbound and Outbound Links:– Inbound links come from one webpage to another on your website. Outbound links are those links that come on your website that link with a different domain name website.
Technical SEO Checklist
Technical SEO is the process of crawling, Indexing, and understanding search engines. Google SEO works on three things Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking for websites.
SSL Certificate:– An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that provides a secure, encrypted connection between a user’s web browser and a website’s server.
Robots.txt:- Robots.txt is a plain text file that resides in the root directory of a website. It serves as a communication tool between website owners and web robots, providing instructions on what parts of a site should or should not be accessed.
The file follows a specific syntax and contains a set of rules that guide the behavior of web crawlers.
301 Redirections:– A 301 redirection is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. It indicates to search engines and browsers that the requested resource has moved permanently to a new location.
When a web server receives a request for a URL that has been redirected using a 301 status code, it automatically forwards the user to the new URL.
404 Errors:– A 404 error is an HTTP status code that indicates a client-side error. When a user tries to access a webpage, the server responds with this error code if the requested page cannot be found.
It essentially means that the server couldn’t locate the content the user was looking for.
XML Sitemaps:– This is a file that lists a website’s URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) along with additional metadata about each URL, such as the last modification date, change frequency, and priority.
This structured format, written in XML (Extensible Markup Language), allows search engines to understand and navigate a website more efficiently.
Schema Markup:– Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a standardized language used to annotate web content. It provides additional context to search engines, helping them understand the meaning and purpose of the information on a webpage.
By adding schema markup to their HTML code, website owners can provide search engines with rich snippets, which are more detailed and informative search results that appear alongside the traditional text snippets.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
The process of learning the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO) can be unpredictable at first. However, depending on past knowledge and the required level of understanding, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months.
Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is the process of optimizing content on the internet to improve its ranking in search engine results and organic traffic.